If you read or listen to advice relating to your health, and in particular the nutrients you need to remain healthy, you will surely have come across some information about vitamins. Vitamins play a crucial role in our development as children and our general health as adults. The body needs them. The mind needs them, and other important functions such as the immune system, metabolism, nerve impulses and oxygen flow around the body all need them.
It would probably be easier to list the body functions that do not rely upon vitamins than those that do. This should alert you to the fact that almost everything that contributes to your health and well-being relies upon vitamins to some degree. Beyond that, there are several facts about vitamins that many people are unaware of. They know vitamins are good for them, but beyond that, their knowledge of vitamins is lacking, so let us resolve that.
In all, there are a total of 13 vitamins that humans need to survive. These are Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, and K. Each of them has a chemical name (in brackets), specific functions within our bodies and various sources as outlined below.